(RFID World Canada) Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada (DFAIT) have chosen PiiComm to provide Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and Barcode Asset Tracking solution. PiComm, a leader in RFID Asset Management and Field Workforce Mobility Systems, will provide and manage a solution that will track the location of physical assets across 170 Missions worldwide.
DFAIT agents will carry an RFID reader during their regular workdays allowing them to verify, modify and upload data that is tracked. The asset data will be uploaded to SAP through the SIGNET worldwide Corporate data network. This easy and effective solution will allow for a more efficient method by which data of assets can be collected stored and made available to a worldwide audience.
RFID enabled handheld mobile computers from Motorola Solutions will be used for the solutions in addition to customized software developed by PiiComm. The solution has been certified for use on the SIGNET network by DFAIT.
The department is aiming to make sure that all appropriate items such as capital assets are tracked within the Corporate Finance and Material Management system. Visibility and accuracy related to assets will be improved by the barcode and RFID solution. The solution will be standardized for all of DFAIT use.