The popular jeans retailer Levi’s® has been piloting RFID technology with the help of technology giant Intel to develop a proof of concept that delivers near real-time inventory monitoring in our Levi’s® Plaza Store in San Francisco. With this collaboration, Levi’s has the ability to provide almost 100% inventory visibility due to constant scanning capabilities.
Using RFID tags (also known as radio frequency identification) on all items in the store, Intel gateways, Intel-powered sensors, and cloud-based analytics, the Levi’s® store team gains visibility into what’s on the shelf or what might be running low, making the process of inventory management more effective.
This means that when the customer enters the retail store looking for a specific fitted pair of jeans in a specific size and color, it can be found on the shelf, and the store associates can spend more time delivering a better shopping customer experience and waste less time checking the back inventory room for sizes.
“We’re interested in technology that is going to enhance and improve the consumer experience in our stores,” said Noah Treshnell, LS&Co.’s senior VP of retail and global retail capabilities. This, he explained, can be done through inventory accuracy and inventory visibility. “When a consumer comes into our stores and they find what they want in terms of the product, they find it on the shelf, in their size and it’s available. We’re also looking to empower our stylists in stores with the right tools to deliver superior service to our consumer.”
Below is a video that explains more details about the RFID pilot between Levi’s and Intel.