Daily RFID
Daily RFID

(RFID World Canada) Daily RFID recently introduced an RFID system to track and manage student attendance in schools. The tools incorporated in the system allow for automatic and secure attendance management in schools.

Daily RFID has combined engineered RFID software with with RFID hardware so that a whole new automated system will monitor, collect, and transfer student attendance data. Schools will be able to take advantage of this system because real-time attendance will be recorded for each and every student, collecting information such as name, ID number, time in, and time out.

In addition, the system will allow for greater security within the schools because the RFID system will monitor attendance by allowing only students in, whose cards can scan into the system based on programming done beforehand. This will diminish unwanted visitors or criminals from entering the school premises.

The RFID system will also have data backup options allowing for recovery should any information get lost through the process of daily attendance. Tags can easily be replaced by the administrator and a user-friendly schedule or time table can also be generated using the data recovered from daily scans when a student enters and leaves the school property. This in turn will increase the reliability of schedules created for students at the beginning of semesters and it will also decrease maintenance costs, since majority of the organizing and planning of the timetables will be done automatically, using the software.

Overall this RFID system will increase security, accuracy and efficiency of daily operations in the schools. The system can be used in other places other than schools as well such as in hospitals, companies, and government offices.

Schools will not only benefit in terms of operations but students will turn up to school on time since there will be no escaping a late slip.

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